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Back to School!

Dear friends and family,

Hot and dry hellos from the pearl of Africa! It is my humble prayer that this Uganda update finds each and every one of you very well.

Uganda Elections

Today, February 18, 2016, is the long awaited day where Ugandans head to the polls to cast their vote for a new leader of the country or to keep the existing president in power. There are three main candidates (amongst a few others) desiring the head position.

Currently, Yoweri Museveni is and has been the president of Uganda since 1986 (30 years). Many Ugandans are desiring change, while others are fearful of what change could mean for this nation. It remains to be one of the poorest nations in the world, however, it is developing at quite a rapid pace.

This will be the first time I have ever been present in Uganda for a Presidential Election, therefore, it has been quite interesting to witness how the campaigns and the election itself is done. Regardless, most people brace themselves for possible conflicts that may arise during elections based on previous election violence. However, I believe that I and the boys in our home will be safe no matter what may arise. Nonetheless, I humbly ask for your prayers throughout your day for a peaceful election here without any eruptions of violence. Things can turn on a dime here, but our God, the Creator of all things can turn things around in an instant! Thank you for your support in prayers.

Back to school!

Yes, here in Uganda February marks the start of a new school year which will then end in December. Most students would have been in classes by the beginning of this month but due to the elections, students will not be returning to school until Monday, February 22.

At Soweto Youth Fellowship, we have five young men who are preparing for a new year of schooling. Most of you who have been following our progress have probably heard about Brown – one of the boys formerly from the streets who has utilized his chance of returning to school and doing very well. He will be returning to school now joining P. 7 (equivalent to Grade 7). This will be his final year at Primary School, then he will need to decide to continue with studies in secondary school or move on into a vocational program.

We are very proud of Brown’s steady progress and thank the Lord for providing for him over the last two years to go to school. However, it hasn’t been an easy gathering the funds for his school fees and supplies (he’s a boarding student) as we have not yet been able to get a sponsor for Brown. In Uganda, students have to pay school fees and provide all books, textbooks, and supplies which runs the bill up pretty fast. His fees usually amount to approximately $120 CAD for a four (4) month span which covers a term (there a three terms in a school year).


Next we have Brian, another young man formerly from the streets who has also utilized the chance to regain his education and put all his effort into it. Last year Brian eased from our small Youth Literacy Class at Soweto Youth Fellowship (SYF) into Ssunga Primary School where he propelled himself into P. 7 and successfully passed his exams at the end of the year (2015). He has been promoted to secondary school and will be going to a new school on Monday,February 22.

We have been blessed by a visitor, Chris Maynard (a good friend of Joan’s), from Belgium who came to Uganda in December and decided to sponsor Brian. We thank the Lord that his fees and supplies are now covered!


Then we have Peter…a boy also formerly from the streets who has transformed before everyone’s eyes and has become an example to all the street youth in Masaka, just within the a years’ time. Some of you may recall Peter has been staying in my home for approximately a year now. He has had desires of higher education of some kind but was never quite sure until about six (6) months ago. He has shown steady progress in our SYF Youth Literacy Class and has been our Student of the Month for the last four (4) consecutive months. He has achieved the highest in attendance, punctuality, participation, and in marks.

During our last board of directors board meeting in January, the board brought Peter up commenting on his progress in all aspects of his life – academically, behaviorally, and most importantly spiritually. They value his transformation and commitment to God and to his studies. In light of all of these positive changes in him, Peter will now be going to school on Monday, February 22! He is very excited and cannot wait to go deeper into the books. The Headmaster (Principal) of the school met them last week and believes that Peter will be able to go directly into P. 7 (Grade 7). This will allow him to catch up from the many years he lost while on the streets and excel him into secondary school or a vocational school in 2017. Please pray for Peter so that God will enable him to excel in his studies this year. Please also pray that a sponsor will jump to the call and help us pay for all the necessary school fees and supplies throughout this year. His fees and supplies total approximately $200 CAD this term and should be half that amount for term two (2) and term three (3).


Last but not least we have Andrew. A young footballer who has also been living in my home receiving mentorship, discipleship and many other needs because of God’s perfect will. Andrew has also been approved by our Board of Directors to send him back to school this year. Andrew last went to school three (3) years ago and did not complete P. 5 (Grade 5) due to a lack of money to pay school fees so he had to drop out. He has been with Soweto Youth Fellowship for two (2) years and God has now given him the chance to return to school. He will be joining Peter at Ssunga Primary School and will also most likely be going direct into P. 7. By him completing P. 7 it will also open up new doors and horizons to him to further pursue his passion of football in secondary school. Please pray for Andrew as he returns to school in a new environment with new faces and surroundings. A special thanks to Maama Mo for helping us cover some of the expenses and fees so Andrew can attend school this term. If you would also like to contribute to his fees and welfare at school, please let me know and I can give you an idea of what balances remain or could be covered in the future.


Newly added to our growing roster of committed students at SYF is Joshua. A very bright young man who is also now living in our home. He was recently brought out of a challenging situation which was covering him with darkness and negativity pushing him to lose hope in life, including completing his schooling. Joshua has been in secondary school last year and did not think he would be returning this year. Thanks to the Lord working through him and ministering to him, he has regained hope and enthusiasm for life and for God. He is desiring to return to secondary school (S. 4, equivalent to Grade 11), therefore, we are taking a step of faith and trusting that God will provide all the necessary fees for him to return to school (as a day student, not as a boarding student) so that he may achieve and accomplish his secondary school goals. His fees and supplies do not amount to more than $40 CAD per term (every four (4) months). Please pray for Joshua and the provisions for his schooling during this time.

In conclusion…

As the elections continue on and as school gets underway on Monday, I simply want to express thanks to each and every one of you for your continued support in prayer, finance, and encouragement.  I have so much more to share, however, I would like to keep these newsletters shorter rather than longer, so I will send another newsletter later.  For now, if you feel compelled to contribute towards helping us get all the school fees and supplies needed for these boys or for other needs, please feel free to visit us at or

Thank you with love,

Kurt –

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